Maximize revenue and meet your sustainability goals with renewable energy.
Commercial, retail, and other B2C facilities can benefit significantly from renewable energy solutions. Consumers are increasingly inclined to purchase sustainable products and this trend isn’t expected to change any time soon. Now is the time for commercial and retail establishments to switch to renewables while simultaneously improving their bottom line and attracting a new generation of consumers.
Renewable energy solutions such as solar PV, solar hot water, battery storage, and EV charging offer a number of benefits to healthcare facilities:
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Solar tenant billing enables owners of commercial & retail multi-tenant properties to generate another stream of rental income. On-site solar energy is substantially cheaper than residential electricity from the utility, building owners can provide their tenants with a ~10% discount on energy from the utility rate while still earning a substantial return on their investment.
For example, the cost of energy for Building B from the utility is $0.35 per kWh. After installing renewable energy, the cost of onsite energy is $0.04 per kWh. Though the cost of energy went down for Building B by putting solar on the roof, the owner can still provide a discount to tenants at $0.32 per kWh while only paying $0.04 per kWh for all of Building B’s energy usage. By implementing tenant billing, owners can generate an additional $500 to $1200 per unit per year, accelerating payback of the solar installation and generating additional revenue for over 20 years increasing NOI and property value.
Our team of in-house engineers is instrumental in new construction projects, as they have deep experience in the design process and know how to build for and coordinate effectively with architects and other members of the building design team. We understand what it takes to get your project from the planning phase to occupancy permits…
You can significantly cut site energy costs -- and even boost revenue -- by retrofitting your building with new energy systems. Why Retrofit Your Building With Renewable Energy Solutions? Over 75% of California’s existing homes and commercial buildings were built prior to the development of the 1978 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. These outdated structures offer…